ReMA Passes its 2020 Advocacy Agenda

At ISRI’s Winter Board Meeting in Nashville, ReMA passed its 2020 Advocacy Agenda to provide direction to ReMA government relations staff to advocate on behalf of the industry at the international, federal, state, and local governmental levels both in legislation as well as regulation. ISRI’s Government Relations Committee spent several months reviewing and changing the 2020 Advocacy Agenda with input from many ReMA members. Many of these issues have been included in previous advocacy agendas as they are long-term issues. New issues are added as they develop. The advocacy agenda is a working document that can be amended at any time by the ReMA membership to reflect a new threat or opportunity for the industry. ReMA members are welcome to raise issues for consideration onto the Advocacy Agenda at any time. You may submit new issues anytime to either Billy Johnson (Electronics), (202) 662-8548, Adina Renee Adler (International), (202) 662-8514 or Danielle Waterfield (State), (202) 662-8516.

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