The Functional Specifications committee has completed our second draft specification, which details the functional standards for Display Devices. I would like to thank everyone who contributed their time and expertise to help complete this specification.
The committee has continued with a format that is flexible, and will be able to adapt to new technologies as the product stream evolves. Special focus was given to ensure that the standard is able to be adapted into existing processes with minimal effort.
The committee’s next work will be on defining the functional specifications of Laptop computers, building on the work we have done for desktops and display devices. We will be leveraging the format and conventions that we have already developed for the desktop and display specification, and working in a small group to develop a draft of the document. Once a draft has been completed, we will be bringing it to our entire committee for their feedback.
The committee is looking for subject matter experts to drive the development of other product categories. Please reach out to Matthew Young if you would be interested in leading the development of other product class standards.
Provided by Matthew Young, Electronics Value Recovery