ISRI2019 Convention Workshops

ISRI2019 is right around the corner and we have developed an intensive two day track of programming to help members discuss the issues that are impacting their business. The Residential Recycling Summit will have a comprehensive and far reaching look at issues that impact the plastics, paper and residential recycling industries though its Residential Recycling Summit. Throughout this series of workshops ReMA will bring together all segments of the value chain – recyclers, material recovery facilities, brand owners, municipalities, and other stakeholders to discuss solutions to the challenges society is currently experiencing with curbside recycling. This track of programming will focus on issues such as new markets for recovered fiber, innovations in consumer packaging, sustainability issues and Municipal/MRF contracting best practices. In addition to this program, the Convention will feature programming that will discuss how recycled products are replacing virgin feedstocks, and innovative solutions to common recycling challenges. All-in-all this Convention will have a comprehensive array of programming to answer any question you may have about the paper, plastic or residential recycling industries.

There is still time to register so go to for more information! 

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