Post-Thanksgiving Overweight Restrictions

West Mead Township, Pennsylvania, has set new truck weight limits for local roads.

No, it has nothing to do with how much turkey and fixins’ were consumed over the recent holiday, but driving in the western parts of Pennsylvania did just get more sensitive to the scale.

  • The new ordinance (DOC101117-10112017095830.pdf) limits the weight of vehicles driving on certain township roads to a 10-ton maximum.
  • The ordinance cited fears of serious road damage and subsequent costs as the main reason for its enactment.
  • In the interest of protecting local business, the ordinance includes exemptions for local traffic and those who apply for a conditional permit.

Why it’s important:
Those who exceed the weight limits without a permit can expect to pay an initial fine of $75, with the possibility of additional fines depending on the vehicle's weight.

The ordinance took full effect on October 16.

Contact: Danielle Waterfield, (202) 662-8516.


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