The EPA has released EJ documents and an EJ screening tool that are likely to bring greater scrutiny to industrial operations, especially recycling facilities.
Greater scrutiny will likely necessitate greater
awareness of the potential impacts of recycling operations to neighboring
communities and implementation of more environmental controls to reduce
potential off-site impacts.
In recent months, the U.S. EPA released to the public several items related to its efforts on environmental justice, as directed by Presidential Executive Order 12898, as amended. These EJ items individually and collectively have the potential to affect recycling facilities and operations directly or indirectly: a draft of its “EJ 2020 Action Agenda: Environmental Justice Strategic Plan 2016-2020”; an updated version of EJSCREEN—its EJ screening and mapping tool; the final “Technical Guidance for Assessing Environmental Justice in Regulatory Analysis.”
EJ 2020 outlines a number activities to be conducted by different
EPA Regions and EPA Offices (e.g., Office of Water, Office of Policy, and
Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance) from 2016-2020 to achieve the
following three EJ goals with their four priority areas:
“Deepen [EJ]
practice … to improve the health and environment of overburdened communities”
via (1) rulemaking, (2) permitting, (3) compliance/enforcement, and (4)
“Work with
partners to expand [EPA’s] positive impact within overburdened communities”
including (1) state and local governments, (2) federal agencies, (3)
community-based work, and (4) tribes and indigenous peoples; and
progress on [the] significant national [EJ] challenges” of (1) lead (Pb)
disparities, (2) drinking water, (3) air quality, and (4) hazardous waste
EPA anticipates the following outcomes from implementing EJ2020:
improved conditions for overburdened communities; significant integration of EJ
into EPA decision-making; strong EJ partnerships with state and local
regulators; enhanced ability to take action on EJ; and addressing complex
national EJ issues better.
Potential effects from Goal I arise from activities in all 4
priority areas, which will be conducted in certain EPA regions. Rulemaking
(Region 7) and permitting (Region 2) may take longer and potentially include
opposition to facility location or operation based on actual or expected
operating characteristics (e.g., truck traffic and third-shift processing
activities). Compliance assurance and enforcement (Region 8) may become more
frequent, more stringent, or both. Science (Region 1) may be newly applied to
inform risk assessments of potential facility operational impacts to immediate
Potential effects from Goal II are likely to be indirect in all 4
priority areas. For Goal II, EPA will join state and local regulators to
address EJ concerns in daily program activities (Region 5) and collaborate with
other federal agencies to improve overall effectiveness of federal EJ efforts
(Region 4). EPA will help community-based groups to build their capacities in
conducting EJ activities (Region 3 and Region 10) and tribes and indigenous
peoples by improving their access to decision-making processes (R6).
Potential effects from Goal III are likely to come from the last 2
(air quality and hazardous waste) of the 4 priority areas. For Goal III, EPA
will initially undertake the following comprehensive suite of programs:
addressing sources of lead, especially from drinking water infrastructure, to
reduce childhood blood lead levels; improving drinking water quality to meet
health standards; reducing sources of fine particulate matter (PM2.5)
to meet applicable national ambient air quality standards; and reducing
exposure to contamination from hazardous waste sites. EPA will evaluate these
activities’ progress and develop additional EJ measures and associated
strategies. EPA’s efforts on sources of PM2.5 and on potential
exposures from hazardous waste sites seem the most-relevant to recycling
facilities, especially if EPA views the recycling industry through the lens of
its flawed damage cases and EJ studies from the Definition of Solid Waste (DSW)
EJ2020 also includes a national measures technical appendix, “Significant
National Environmental Justice Challenges: Measures Technical Information.”
This appendix outlines the goals and measures (metrics) for quantifying
thresholds of success for Goal III to reduce childhood blood lead levels, to
improve drinking water quality, to reduce ambient PM2.5, and to
reduce exposures to chemicals from hazardous waste sites.
EJSCREEN is EPA’s EJ mapping and screen tool to help advance EJ
2020’s priority areas (see above). It is designed and intended to be widely
used by communities, state and local regulators, etc. EJSCREEN provides an
initial indication of EJ potential to inform a variety of EJ activities, such
as outreach and enforcement, and policy-making. However, EJSCREEN neither
identifies EJ communities nor provides comprehensive, real-time environmental
information, some of which may be outdated. Nonetheless, EJSCREEN can be
expected to be used in connection with rulemaking, permitting, and compliance
assurance and enforcement.
Lastly, the EJ Technical Guidance describes the scientific methods
that EPA uses to assess potential EJ concerns in rulemakings. It presents key
analytic principles and definitions, best practices, and technical questions to
frame EJ considerations in regulatory actions. Key principles and concepts
include disproportionate impact (between EJ and comparison populations),
susceptibility (to health stressors), cumulative risk (from multiple sources of
stressors), risk characterization, and risk assessment. This Technical Guidance
will likely be used to estimate the risks posed by recycling facilities to
people in the immediate vicinity. The assessments of risk and cumulative risk
may be the most important aspects of EPA’s EJ efforts because quantification of
disproportionate impact between EJ and comparison populations has the potential
to reveal “potentially actionable disproportionate impacts”. It is worth noting
that the Technical Guidance uses the DSW rulemaking and the DSW exclusions,
which include the exclusion for recycled scrap metal, to illustrate a
community-level analysis of potential disproportionate impacts to EJ