Trade Enforcement Bill Assisting Steel Industry Becomes Law

President Obama signed into law the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 (Public Law No: 114-125). This welcomed “Customs Bill” helps to ensure foreign governments live up to trade agreements and strengthens industry’s ability to further enforcement of U.S. anti-dumping and countervailing duty laws
The bill also modernizes the U.S. Customs and Boarder Protection agency, helps to prevent duty evasion, and includes new tools to identify currency manipulation. The recycling industry is well aware that the U.S. steel industry is in a state of crisis and needs help to rein in tariff evasion and lagging trade commitments that favor foreign steel imports. With growing concerns and discussions over several board meetings, in October, 2015, ISRI’s Board of Directors directed staff to support efforts to help domestic consumers when appropriate.  While ReMA remains a strong advocate for free and fair trade, staff actively advocated for passage of the Customs Bill.  For more information contact ReMA staff Billy Johnson and Eric Harris.

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