About New Jersey Chapter

The New Jersey Chapter connects recyclers, consumers, and equipment and service providers with industry news through meetings and events designed to strengthen business. Our chapter also works to advocate for the best interests of our industry at both local and national levels. It is no exaggeration to say that many ReMA members’ closest business relationships began at the chapter level. To learn more about the work of the chapter and how to get involved, please contact us.

  • Members tap into member-only rates as well as gain access to member-only events throughout the year. The chapter also holds several membership meetings as well as its annual Spring Atlantic City event for a day and a half of cross-region networking, dinner, and much more.

  • Members have leadership opportunities to serve as elected officers, on the board of directors, and participate on chapter committees.

  • Chapter dues assist with supporting legislation & lobbying efforts – we provide members with a voice at both state and federal levels and proactively work to educate and inform elected officials about our industry and address issues as they arise.

  • The chapter actively engages in local and county meetings, as well as with the state legislature in Trenton to provide insight on how particular legislation can impact our businesses positively or negatively.


Lacey Capps
Director, Chapter Relations
(202) 662-8538

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