ISRI’s national online database, ScrapTheftAlert.com, and the organization’s focus on building strong relationships between recyclers and law enforcement helped in the recovery of stolen bronze from the Martin Luther King Jr. statue in Denver, CO last week. Suspects were apprehended and some of the bronze was recovered after recycled materials facilities in the area were alerted to the theft through ScrapTheftAlert.com.
“That database enables recyclers to identify or be on the lookout or aware of materials that are not legitimate or stolen materials, and that helps us,” said ReMA Chair and Vice President/General Manager of Rocky Mountain Recycling Brian Henesey during an interview with KDVR-Denver.
KDVR also reported on how the database helps recyclers reach out to law enforcement as well. On Friday, Feb. 22, another local recycled materials facility alerted authorities that three bronze pieces from the MLK Jr. statue in City Park and seven pieces from the Thatcher Memorial Fountain were sold locally. Investigators recovered the materials and returned them to Denver Arts and Venues.
According to ReMA Director of Law Enforcement Outreach Todd Foreman, this situation showcases how ISRI’s system is working just as it was designed to by combining effective use of the website and law enforcement partnerships. Foreman was alerted by a detective within the Denver Police Department about the theft and successful recovery of portions of the stolen metal.
“The MLK statue in Denver is a perfect example of the importance of ScrapTheftAlert.com and strong relationships between local recyclers and law enforcement,” Foreman said. “ISRI has a program that encourages local recyclers to establish good relationships with law enforcement and their respective communities, so when theft occurs, we can help one another.”
Henesey noted that communication between area recyclers was vital to helping recover the stolen material. He added that clear communication between local recycled materials facilities is key as well.
“Local recycled materials facility communications are essential. In addition to ScrapTheftAlert.com, for that particular statue, and its importance to the city and Colorado, we took other steps to communicate amongst ourselves.”
To date, ScrapTheftAlert.com has assisted law enforcement in the recovery of more than $3.4 million in property across the U.S. To learn more about how to engage with local law enforcement in your area, reach out to Foreman for custom approaches at tforeman@isri.org.

ISRI’s national online database, ScrapTheftAlert.com, and the organization’s focus on building strong relationships between recyclers...