Event Details


Back to the Future with ISRI Century Club

Thursday, October 22, 2020 | 1 – 2 p.m. ET

Icons of the industry and the association will make you laugh, and think about the future of the industry and the role the association has played during their long careers in leadership roles. Be entertained in an informal setting, as Bruce Blue, Cap Grossman, David Borsuk, Bruce Shapiro, and Arnie Gachman, led in discussion by Barry Hunter, re-live and openly share their years of personal experiences – at least those that can be discussed. The experiences and lessons learned from the past, have brought us to the present – and are the windows to the future.

Barry Hunter, Hunter Alloys
Bruce Blue, Columbus Recycling
David Borsuk, Sadoff Iron & Metal
Arnold Gachman, Gachman Metals & Recycling
Cap Grossman, Grossman Iron & Steel Co.
Bruce Shapiro, Shapiro Metals

This is a FREE event for both ReMA Members and non members.

To register, to go http://isrimeetings.expotracker.net and select the ReMA viritual event. Once you register, you will receive an email with login instructions. 

You must register to participate. Make sure to save the information in your calendar. 

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